I found these rather handsome dominoes a while back in a junk shop in Wales .They apparently come from a 1969 French TV Series entitled Tele Babar.
Life size actors play Babar and his friends in this charming adaptation of Laurent De Brunhoffs timeless classic.
The sets and costumes are by Jacques Marillier
Wow, hello - I can't believe I found this, well a forum I joined actually - doyouremember.co.uk
An excellent place, I have been looking for a link to this for absolutely years, I even thought I had imagined this creepy live mime styled version of the trunk faced fellow, but I kept asking my surfer mate, to keep an eye as I knew it must be out there somewhere, but nothing came up.
I am an Artist/Illustrator/Cartoonist & the spooky unnerving image of this program stayed in my mind since the early 70's - great, thanks for setting my mind at rest, and on YOUTUBE too, how the heck did I miss that?
All the best,
Thanks for your comments.
There seems to have been quite a bit of interest about live action Babar. Its one of the most popular pages on the blog.
Oddly enough, not long after finding these cards, I found a couple of the live action books. They take the same format as the original books, but feature photographs from the live action series. Ill try and add some images soon.
Like you, I think the series is rather beautiful, if just a little unsettling!
Hope to see you on here again.
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