July 10, 2011

Serpo, vinyl sticker. Rue Chaudrier, La Rochelle

The pick of todays finds was this delighful vinyl sticker, for Serpo, a French photographic store in La Rochelle. Fixed to the side of a crumbling old Polaroid camera bag, it now has a new home!


  1. That's beautiful! Wish he were mine!

  2. This is fab Jonny! Did you really find it in the cellar or was it the attic? We want to see the camera bag too! Great seeing you last week.

  3. Matthew I did indeed find it yesterday, at the car boot. Sunday is always car boot day.

    Alas the bag is no more! It was really grim and crumbly, and not worth saving.

    Thanks so much for the invitation, we both really enjoyed last Monday. Congratulations again on your Folio Society success!
