August 27, 2009

Remember Remember Kenneth Townsend

On recently posting "Marble Fun" up here, I was amazed to find out we had more by Kenneth Townsend. Here for todays post is Remember, Remember. A great game of pairs by Galt Toys.
It appears Galt released this game in two guises. Im not sure which was released first, the one here or Snap, which can be viewed over at kenneth townsend

Above are are a few close ups of the cards and the reverse!


  1. Hello, came to you via a search on Kenneth Townsend. I grew up on his Remember Remember. Liking your blog a lot, not a bad post in it.

  2. Thank you so much! You're very kind. Its good to be able to share things, with fellow enthusiasts!

    I hope you continue to enjoy the posts and thanks again for your comments.

  3. Hi
    I had the memory game as a child, and when my son was old enough to play my mom went shopping in her attic and sent us the game. We played it with my son for a few years but I could fully embrace the images in the times. The designs were neat, but the images of the people always made me cringe! We eventually gave it away so hopefully It fell into the hands of someone who could properly appreciate all the tiles!

  4. Oops. Should have edited. I could never fully embrace the tiles--the people creeped me out.

  5. Some of them creeped me out a bit too. That girl with her head stuck in the railings!
