February 06, 2009


The prolonged arctic weather has meant I havent got to the computer as much as Id have liked this week. Today for your perusal another lovely find, this time from a charity shop in Wales.

HOUSE SOLITAIRE is an Arnold Arnold Toy made by Summit Games Ltd, Leeds. The beautifully designed card game looks to date from the mid Sixties and is reminiscent of classic toys by Galt. Sadly there are no credits for the illustrator, or designer but the illustrations remind me of one of my favourite childrens book artists, Roger Duvoisin,

The idea of the game is to take two cards and match the roof with the lower half of the house. Once you completed the set you can turn the cards over and see the children who live there in corresponding costume.

They dont make games like this anymore!


  1. Dear Jonny Mendelsson,
    My name is Sebastian and I my hobby is the historical board games.
    I am currently trying to find out more about a game manufacturing company, the SUMMIT GAMES LTD.
    I have only a few clues about it, one is on this toy "SUMMIT GAMES LTD. SUTTON STREET, WHITEHALL ROAD. LEEDS 12".
    Can you help me with any information or photo about this company?
    Is there any more printed information on the toy? Publication year?

  2. Sebastian, I have this game. There is very little information. It just says Summit Games, Whitehall Road, Leeds 12. It also says its an Arnold Arnokd Toy

  3. Hi, I have this game - any idea if it's worth selling?
